Wednesday 6 May 2020

Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Topical Drug Delivery System

  • NLC are the new generation of nanoparticulate active substance vehicles and are attracting major attention as novel colloidal drug carriers for topical use.
  • NLC systems with good perspectives to be marketed very successfully, reason for this is they were developed considering industrial needs, e.g. scale up, qualification and validation, simple technology, low cost, regulatory excipient status (e.g. GRAS), tolerability etc.
  • Today HPH represents an efficient pathway for production of NLC as novel systems composed of physiological lipid materials suitable for topical, dermal administration novel drug delivery system.
  • Nanostructured lipid carriers hold great promise for reaching the goal of controlled and site specific drug delivery and hence attracted wide attention of researchers.

Pelletization Technology Methods and Applications

  • Pelletization lays the scope for different oral immediate or controlled delivery system.
  • Due to its simple design, efficiency of producing spherical pellets and fast processing; it has found a special place in the pharmaceutical industry and moreover its use in production of multiparticulate oral controlled release dosage forms overtaking granulation.
  • Today extrusion spheronization and melt extrusion spheronization represents an efficient pathway for novel drug delivery system.
  • Using these pelletization techniques we can formulate suitable dosage forms of drugs that will have more patient compliance, safety and efficacy.

सावरेल बघ काळ

'देवभोळी' प्रजा इथली,
उगा रणांगण लढवत राहीली.
पावलोपावली उभा ठाकला;
'देव' त्यांना का न दिसला.

नव्याने पुन्हा मंथन चालले,
अमृतासवे विष ही निघाले.
'शंकर' होऊन ते पुढ्यात आले,
विषाचे प्याले ही त्यांनी रिचवले.

कधी संगीनी, कधी रणरागिणी,
वसते 'दुर्गा' प्रत्येक अंगणी.
नव्या शोधाची होऊन जननी,
'सरस्वती' राबते रात्रंदिनी.

दाटते भोवताली सावळ छाया,
त्यातही गवसे मज 'विठूराया'.
नेहमी त्यांनी होऊन 'राम',
किती पाळावा सांग संयम.

सुटले हात; निसटले श्वास;
तरिही संपेना ध्यास.
तुटले सगळे मोहपाश ;
जिवंत फक्त एक आस.

डोईवरती धरून छाया,
उभे गर्द निळे आभाळ.
निळ्या राधेयाची ती काया,
कशी सावरेल बघ काळ.
